Astrophotography workshop · The Perseids at the Coll de la Botella Restaurant

Activities & workshops
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    General information

    Saturday, 10 August 2024


    Restaurant del Coll de la Botella, Pal

    See map

    Event information

    · Tripod
    · Photo camera with manual adjustments
    · Wide-angle lens (recommend from 16mm)
    · Empty memory cards
    · Remote trigger for camera (optional)
    · Front red light if possible
    · Camera batteries charged to 100%, more than one if possible
    · Warm clothes and something to eat there, water, a thermos with something hot

    18 people maximum · €2 · Registration by clicking on the AFVAN web link.

    · Tripod
    · Photo camera with manual adjustments
    · Wide-angle lens (recommend from 16mm)
    · Empty memory cards
    · Remote trigger for camera (optional)
    · Front red light if possible
    · Camera batteries charged to 100%, more than one if possible
    · Warm clothes and something to eat there, water, a thermos with something hot

    18 people maximum · €2 · Registration by clicking on the AFVAN web link.